
We place certain barcodes on each items. Using the barcode scanner the user scans each item corresponding to the screen display.To receive points scan items when it across the black line. Scanning before or after will lose your points.


The progress

Trailer Shooting list Sketches


We were inspired by the Japanese band” ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS!” and then created this game. Users need to scan different barcodes in different groceries and get points. Level one is set in a grocery store and level two is set in the delivery factory. It’s a goofy and funny experiment, at least as a designer I enjoyed it. Before we created the game trailer I made some shooting list sketches to guide my teammate to act, which was another exciting experience. Both of us show our faces in this trailer(to save money LOL). I hope you could have fun watching the trailer and the game recording, I know it’s hard to play and try it because I cannot provide barcode scanners and barcodes online, so I prefer to define it as a playful experiment. Thank you~

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